Ex-Officio Member
Orange County Auditor-Controller
Andrew N. Hamilton, CPA is the 12th Orange County Auditor-Controller. Mr. Hamilton was independently elected in June 2022. Previously, Mr. Hamilton served as the Finance Director for the City of Yucaipa, on the Lake Forest City Council and as the Chief Financial Officer at Mesa Water District.
Mr. Hamilton graduated from Taylor University in Upland, Indiana, with a Bachelor’s of Science in Accounting and Systems in 1992. He began his career at a Big 4 CPA firm in Irvine in 1992, obtained his CPA in 1995 and attained progressive accounting experience throughout his career at Walt Disney Company, Gambro Healthcare, GTC Telecom, Semitropic Water Storage District, DLC and Mesa Water District.
Mr. Hamilton resides with his wife and children in Lake Forest, California.